DBA means “Doing Business As” and it's a registration that can be made in the name of a company.
This is an optional registration that allows you to issue invoices, open a bank account, issue checks, and sign contracts under a name other than your company's registration name.
For example, if you have a business under the name ABC, LLC and want to launch a website or product under the name XYZ and continue processing your payments under the name ABC, LLC, you are not required to register a DBA.
But, if you want to transact under the name XYZ, you must register the DBA.
Note: You will not need to issue a new EIN for your DBA.
To hire the service, click here to log into your Portal, then click on "Other Services" on the left side menu, and select "DBA Registration".
Please take into account that we only provide this service for the state of Florida, no for other states.
If you still have any questions or need further assistance regarding this topic, we are available to assist you. Simply click here to submit your support request and our team will assist you.