Everything you need to know about Virtual Address

Expanding your business to the United States can be a major step towards global success!

To complete the process of starting your company and registering on platforms like Amazon or Stripe, having an address in the United States is essential.

This is where our Virtual Address service comes in, offering a range of advantages and conveniences.

With the Virtual Address, you can register your company in the United States and open accounts with American fintechs. This allows your business to be present on platforms that require a US address, providing greater credibility and professionalism to your business.

One of the key differentiators of the service offered by Globalfy is our dedicated team, which takes care of receiving your mail and scanning it within 24 hours. This way, you can access all important documents remotely from anywhere in the world through our exclusive client Portal.

In the Portal, you have access to all received letters and, with just one click, you can request that any document be sent anywhere in the world. This ensures that you don't miss any important information, regardless of where you are.

Additionally, your Virtual Address will also be the location to receive debit cards from your bank. Globalfy clients also have access to our compliance calendar, an exclusive tool that provides notifications and reminders about your company's main obligations in the United States. This functionality is crucial to ensure that you are always up-to-date with legal and regulatory requirements, avoiding fines and future problems.

The Virtual Address is not only essential for the incorporation process of your company but also for various daily operations, such as tax returns and trademark registration. Having a US address is a fundamental requirement for opening an American bank account, which further facilitates your business's financial and commercial transactions.

The Virtual Address service is indispensable for entrepreneurs who wish to expand their businesses to the United States. In addition to being necessary for receiving important documents, it offers numerous conveniences that simplify the management of your business abroad.

With Globalfy, you can be sure to count on a professional and complete service, ensuring that all your needs are met efficiently and securely.

If you choose to cancel your Virtual Address service, there are important consequences to consider:

  • You will need to remove our address from your records with the State, IRS, banks, and other institutions.
  • An amendment will be required to update your address, with costs varying depending on the state and the IRS.
  • Any mail sent to the canceled Virtual Address will be returned to the sender.

If you still have any questions or need further assistance regarding this topic, we are available to help you! Simply click here to submit your support request and our team will be glad to assist you.