The BE-13 form is a survey that collects data on the establishment of U.S. business enterprises by foreign investors of foreign companies to establish a new production facility.
The data collected on the survey is used to measure the amount of new foreign direct investment in the US, assess the impact on the U.S. economy, and based on this assessment, make informed policy decisions regarding foreign direct investment in the United States.
It is very important to carry out this obligation because failure to do so, may incur in fines from the BUREAU institution (The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis) to your company.
But don’t worry, we got you covered In Globalfy. For customers who have one of our new plans (Starter, Essential, Freelancer Essential, Scale), the BE-13 survey is included, and we will take care of it after the formation process of your company!
Information Required to carry out the BE-13 survey:
When answering the following questions, report projections for the end of the first fiscal year of operations:
- What are the total assets of the company? (furniture, real estate, investments or other assets)
- What are the total liabilities of the company? (loan, debt with suppliers, partners, etc)
- What is the total Net income (Loss) after provision for income taxes? (Income after tax deduction/Net Income)
- What are the total Sales or gross operating revenues? (Total sales/Total revenue)
- What is the total Number of employees when fully operating?
- Include all full time and part time employees in the US on the payroll
- Exclude contract workers and other workers not carried on the payroll
- If the business enterprise's activity involves seasonal variations, report a number that represents an average for the year.
Due Date - forms are due no later than 45 days after the acquisition is completed, the new legal entity is established, or the expansion is begun.
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