How do I hire the Tax Season package with Globalfy and what does it include?

To hire your Tax season package with Globalfy, please follow the next steps:

Log in to your Portal:

Then on the left side menu, click on “Tax Season 2024/2025”.


There you will see this image:


Depending on your plan and the activities your company had during the fiscal year you may or may not need to present certain obligations. 


Let’s walk through the process.


  1. Company Profile Update.


Here you will need to indicate if you had any changes in your company during the year such as: members, address, primary contact, etc.

Simply fill out the form accordingly, and if any additional steps are required, we will inform you via email.


  1. State Renewal (Annual Report/Franchise Tax)


Once the “Company profile update” information is submitted, you will need to hire the Annual report.


If you haven't completed your company's Annual Report yet, you must fill out this section and pay the required service and state fee. The total amount will vary based on your plan and state.

An invoice, similar to the example shown, will be generated, and you must complete the payment to proceed with the hiring process.


Just click on “Pay order” and then you will see the order paid:


Then go back to the “Tax season” menu, you will see “Company profile update” and “State report” market as done ✅


  1. Tax information.


Click on "Fill out" a form from Tax information: 

 Then fill out the form accordingly:


Based on your answers the system will display a summary of the services required to file your tax return:


Then click on “Next”. And you will see the following message:


Click on the ✅ to declare the information submitted as truth and then “Submit”.


The system will create an invoice with the Tax forms/services required to move forward with your process, such as it did with the Annual report. Please pay the invoice in order to proceed. 


  1. Financial reports.

Once you have completed the payment for the “Tax return forms”, the next step is to submit your Financial reports detailing your company's activities throughout the fiscal year.


Click on “Fill out a form”.


Here you will need to submit your financial reports for all the fiscal year.



Please follow the instructions and submit the reports.


When you submit the reports, all the steps will be completed, and you will have all your cards checked.


Furthermore, you will be able to see the status of each stage from this view:


If we need any additional information or documents from you, our team will contact you via email. You will also receive email notifications regarding updates at each stage of the process, including any pending signatures or documents required from you.

If you still have any questions or need further assistance regarding this topic, we are available to assist you. Simply click here to submit your support request and our team will assist you.